About Our Members

The Columbus Chamber of Commerce has a very diverse group that makes up our membership. If you stop by one of these locals please tell them thank you for their support of the Chamber, without them we would be unable to sponsor all the events the Chamber has throughout the year.


To the left you can view a list of our members and the contact information for each business.


If you are interested in becoming a member either as a business or an individual, please contact the Chamber office at 620-429-1492.


If there is a business that you would like to see the Chamber actively try to recruit to Columbus, please let us know as well.

Columbus Chamber of Commerce

320 East Maple Street | Columbus, Kansas 66725

(620) 429-1492 or email: columbuschamber@columbus-ks.com

© 2024 Columbus Chamber of Commerce

All Rights Reserved.

Website by 4-State Printing